Evgeny Farrakhov
Vice President, Judge of the MineMovie Film Festival
Was born in 1944 in Kimry, Kalinin region In 1970 he graduated from the Geophysical Faculty of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze. Candidate of Science (Engineering) (1999). In 1964 - 1980 he worked in various geological and geophysical organizations of the USSR Mingeo in positions - from technician to head of the party, in 1975 - 1978 he worked in Mongolia as the head of seismic exploration (KMPV). 1980 - 1989 - Head of the Cosmoaerogeological Expedition of the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Aerogeology", in 1989-1993 - Chief Engineer of the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Aerogeology".
In 1993 - 2004 - in administrative work in the system of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the following positions: manager of affairs, head of the Office of Records Management, deputy. Head of the Public Relations and Mass Media Department.
Since 2004 - First Vice-President of the public organization Russian Geological Society. In his work, he pays great attention to the popularization of geological sciences, social protection of veterans-geologists, training of the personnel reserve of the industry, support and development of innovative directions in geological science and practice. With his direct participation in ROSGEO, sections of engineering geology and hydrogeology, medical geology, geoethics, and a mining section were created.
E.G. Farrakhov is a full member of the International Medical Geological Association and the International Academy of Geoecology.
E.G. Farrakhov is the author of a number of scientific publications. Among them are two monographs on medical and environmental problems of geology and subsoil use.
E.G. Farrakhov is a participant in the XXXIII and XXXIV Sessions of the International Geological Congress in Oslo (Norway) in 2008 and in Brisbane (Australia) in 2012.
Married. He has two children, a grandson and a granddaughter.
Has government awards.