MineDigital Russia 2020 competition will be organised at Mining Goes Digital conference on 8 October by MINEX Forum in Moscow.
The competition was launched by MINEX Forum in 2019 to provide practical assessment of innovative solutions and technologies and facilitate their integration in the mining industry in Russia.

Participation in the competition is an opportunity to present technologies and concepts to experts from leading companies, as well as attract the attention of potential customers and partners.
The competition is open to the field-tested technologies which are ready for commercial implementation or concepts which require further tests or development.

IT companies, start-ups and IT departments of mining enterprises that have developed and implemented digital solutions for the mining industry are invited to participate.
The awarding ceremony for contenders and winners will take place at the end of the Mining Goes Digital conference.
How the competition will be organised
- The presentations submitted for the competition will be judged live by a jury consisting of the heads of the centres of innovation and technical modernisation of the leading mining and metallurgical companies.
- Each contender will be offered 10 minutes to present their project and answer the questions. The presentations will be recorded on video and broadcasted on the website and social networks. In case presenter cannot attend the forum in-person, the jury of the competition may allow participant to present virtually or send pre-recorded video for evaluation. The winners will be selected by the jury via close vote.
- Bronze, Silver and Gold prizes have been created for the winners of the MineDigital Russia 2020 competition.
- The awarding ceremony for contenders and winners will take place at the end of the Mining Goes Digital conference.
- All contenders will be awarded with the competition diplomas and souvenirs prepared by the companies represented in the jury.
- The winners will be awarded with commemorative competition prizes.
Competition themes
Entry to the competition is open only to registered participants of the MINEX Russia Forum and / or the Mining Goes Digital conference. Who are the participants? Delegates, representatives of exhibiting companies, sponsors, and partners.
Terms for companies
Participation Options | In-person | Virtual |
MINEX Russia forum on 7-8 October and presentation at the MineDigital competition | 650 USD | 150 USD |
“Mining Goes Digital” conference and presentation at the MineDigital competition on 8 October | 370 USD | 95 USD |
Terms for Universities
Participation Options | In-person | Virtual |
MINEX Russia forum on 7-8 October and presentation at the MineDigital competition | 325 USD | 75 USD |
“Mining Goes Digital” conference and presentation at the MineDigital competition on 8 October | 185 USD | 50 USD |
Terms for exhibitors
Please refer to selected exhibitor package. More details.
Terms for sponsors
Provided according to the selected package. More details.
How to apply for participation in the competition
Applications are accepted electronically through an online application form.
Confirmation of presentation
All presentation applications are reviewed by the forum program committee. Applicants will receive a reply within 5 working days after completing the speaker’s registration form.
Speakers who have received confirmation of their presentation at the Forum, Business Podium, or Competition must pay the registration fee prior to the Forum (unless an exception applies).
Non-cash payments in Russian roubles are accepted by MINEX Mining Forum LLC in Russia. Bank transfer or Credit Card payments in foreign currency are processed by Advantix Ltd in the UK. Speakers who have not paid the registration fee will not be admitted to the forum.
Speakers are kindly required to communicate all changes concerning their presentation in a timely manner by writing to ru@minexforum.com.
Cancellations are accepted before 21 September 2020. Please send a cancellation request to admin@minexforum.com. The registration fee will be refunded minus 15% to cover administrative costs. Cancellations made after 21 September 2020 are not be refundable. In individual cases, a speaker who cancels participation after the deadline may be offered a credit to offset the costs of participation in the future MINEX Forum events. Speaker replacements can be made at any time without additional payment.
General terms
Review full terms and conditions.
Sanitary and preventive admission rules of participation in MINEX Russia Forum and Exhibition.
Requirements for the Preparation and Submission of Presentation Materials
The working languages of the forum are Russian and English. When preparing speeches and presentation slides, speakers can use either one or both languages. During the forum, only one presentation can be presented on the screens. For the simultaneous use of two languages in the presentation, speakers can divide the slides into two parts, presenting the content of each slide in Russian and English.
Dates to remember
4 September – speaker registration deadline. Speaker (or his / her assistant) are required to complete speaker form and provide the following information: speaker’s photo, biography (up to 150 words), the title of the presentation, a brief summary of the presentation (up to 200 words).
15 September or before – submit slides for publication in the forum materials. Submit to slides@minexforum.com presentation slides for publication on a mobile app. The title must indicate “Presentation for publication in the mobile application”. Slides must be prepared in standard 4:3 ratio in PDF format open for public viewing. If the file size exceeds the allowed parameters, it can be sent via a free service: (for example, https://wetransfer.com) by sending a link to the file to the address: slides@minexforum.com.
25 September or before – submit slides for screen projection. Submit to slides@minexforum.com presentation slides to be projected on the screen during the forum. Slides must be prepared in standard 4:3 aspect ratio in PPT, PPTX, or PDF format. The title should indicate “Slides for projection onto the screen”. If the file size exceeds the allowed parameters, it can be sent via a free service: (for example, https://wetransfer.com) by sending a link to the file to the address: slides@minexforum.com.
25 September or before – submit a video recording. In the case when the speaker is unable to present in-person, please record and upload presentation video in unlisted or public viewing format to YouTube or Vimeo and submit the link to slides@minexforum.com.
Video Length Limitations
The duration of the video recording of the presentation intended for broadcast during the MineDigital competition should not exceed 10 minutes.
The duration of the video recording of the presentation intended for publication on the website must be agreed with the forum secretariat on a case by case basis.
Jury panel of MineDigital 2020
- Egor Maslov, Deputy General Director for Business Transformation, Highland Gold Mining
- Ivan Dashchenko, Head of Innovation Projects, Nordgold
- Boris Kurtsev, General Director, Micromine Rus
- Sergey Radkov, Head of Digital Manufacturing, Norilsk Nickel
- Alexey Anikin, Head of Industrial Sector IBM Central and Eastern Europe
- Boris Voskresensky, Director, Severstal Digital
- Mikhail Leskov, Business Development Director, Institute of Geotechnology
- Sergey Kashuba, Chairman, Union of Gold Producers