Alexey Puchkov
International school of Business and Technology
A. L. Puchkov graduated from the national Nuclear University nust MEPhI in 1994. He worked in OJSC "Bank Russian Credit" 1994-1998 He studied at the Moscow state University postgraduate school in 1996-1998. In 1998, he defended his PhD thesis in the fields of "Economics and management at the enterprise", "Finance, money circulation and credit". He has worked as a senior researcher at MSU since 1998, senior lecturer, associate Professor of the Department of mining Economics since 1999, and has been an associate Professor since 2003. Since 2010, he has been working as an associate Professor at the Finance of Mining Department of Moscow state University.
He graduated from nust Higher School of Economics with a degree in Finance and banking in 2009.
Currently, he works as a full-time associate Professor at the Department of industrial strategy at the nust MISIS Institute of EUPP and directs the MBA MINING program at the center for Innovative Educational Programs of the nust MISIS mining Institute.he is the acting Director of the nust MISIS International School of Business and Technology.
Innovations in mining and geological education
Сurrently, the most acute problem of sustainable development of the energy sector of the Russian Federation is the shortage of qualified personnel and, above all, engineering and technical personnel. Russia, represented by talented young people, has a fairly powerful scientific and creative potential, which makes it possible to create a competitive economy based on intelligence and knowledge, and clean technologies. However, this task is complex and multi-factorial. The question is quite obvious: what role does education play in the period of information technology?
The mining, metallurgical and oil and gas industries require innovative transformations, and they should primarily concern educational activities, since in the modern technological order there should be highly professional personnel with high professional knowledge and modern managerial skills, deep practical skills necessary in modern production, market knowledge, and an innovative view of industry problems. To do this, it is necessary to instill a love for the profession from school, finding talented children in all regions of the Russian Federation.
As part of this program successfully works the first in Russia "inter-University Academic Center navigation specialties in Geology", created on the basis of the State geological Museum. V. I. Vernadsky Institute together with MISIS, Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas. I. M. Gubkin and rggru them. After Sergo Ordzhonikidze.