- A
- Igor Agapov
- Sergei Aksenov
- Denis Alexandrov
- Alexey Anikin
- Eugene Antonov
- Fuad Asadov
- B
- Pavel Babayants
- Batradz Badtiev
- Serhii Baranovskyi
- Antony Benham
- Alexey Bessonov
- Rostislav Bilik
- Egor Bogdanov
- Julia Boiko
- Bogdan Bokhonov
- Sergey Borovichenko
- Nasreddine Bournas
- Thomas Bowens
- Mark Burnett
- Yuri Burtsev
- Andrius Butkus
- Vladislav Bykhanov
- C
- Sergey Cherkasov
- Alexandr Chernykh
- Mark Chesher
- Andrey Chitalin
- Gregory Collins
- D
- Mikhail Damrin
- Ivan Dashchenko
- Konstantin Davkaev
- Yuriy Davydenko
- Alexander Dmitriev
- Dmitry Dobrynin
- Ilia Dokshin
- Iris Dzeba
- E
- Andrey Efimov
- Nikolay Ekzhanov
- Ilia Emelianov
- Denis Erofeev
- F
- Alexey Fedorov
- Alexander Fedotov
- Donat Fetisov
- G
- Vladimir Gladkovskiy
- Dmitriy Goglev
- Tamara Golovina
- Daria Goncharova
- Pavel Gorskikh
- Anastasia Gracheva
- Ian Gray
- Bruce Gregory
- Nikolay Grigoriev
- Pierre De Groulard
- H
- Derk Hartman
- Peter Hennig
- I
- Rinat Ismagilov
- Anatoly Ivanov
- Svetlana Ivchenko
- J
- Thomas Jordan
- K
- Vladislav Kaminski
- Evgeny Kashin
- Sergey Kashuba
- Oleg Kazanov
- Alexey Kharitontsev
- Marat Kharrasov
- Daria Khrenova
- Levon Kirakosyan
- Evgeny Kiselev
- Andrey Kishkinskiy
- Nikita Kniazev
- Roman Kolesinskiy
- Svetlana Konina
- Mikhail Kornilov
- Dmitry Kotov
- Vitaliy Kovalenko
- Andrey Krivchenko
- Evgeniy Krupnov
- Ivan Kukhnin
- Sergey Kumov
- Vasiliy Kurashko
- Boris Kurtsev
- L
- Andrey Landin
- Georgy Larin
- Anatoly Lavrentiev
- Mikhail Leskov
- Boris Logutov
- Leonid Lomako
- M
- Alexandra Makarcheva
- Vasily Makarov
- Vasily Makarov
- Aleksei Manikhin
- John Mann
- Alexey Markov
- Alexey Markov
- Grigory Mashkovtsev
- Egor Maslov
- Dr Pavel Maslovskiy
- Tanya Matveeva
- Nikolay Matyash
- Oleg Maximov
- Julia Mazanova
- Steven McRobbie
- Alexander Medvedev
- Evgeny Menschikov
- Denis Miganov
- Dmitry Mikhailov
- Dmitry Minaev
- Dr. Andrey Minkin
- Peter Myers
- N
- Vadim Naftal
- Vera Naumova
- Mykhailo Nazarenko
- Ayuna Nechaeva
- Alexey Nemokaev
- Vitaly Nesis
- Aleksey Nesterenko
- Thomas Neumann
- Phil Newall
- Denis Nikishin
- Ayaal Nikolaev
- Viktor Nikolaichuk
- Chris Nind
- O
- Evgeniya Olberg
- P
- Roman Panov
- Alexander Patlach
- David Pearce
- Ekaterina Pelenkova
- Sergey Petrov
- Vadim Petrov
- Gennadiy Pinigin
- Olga Plevako
- Michael Plouse
- Alexander Polonyankin
- Natalya Poppel
- Kirill Pristanskiy
- Egor Prokhodtsev
- R
- Sergey Radkov
- Valeriy Rogalskiy
- Alexander Rogozhin
- Dushka Rokavec
- Artem Romanchenko
- Dmitry Romanov
- Craig Ross
- Roman Rudin
- S
- Elena Sergina
- Alexey Shalashinski
- Inna Shalovenkova
- Rustam Sharafudinov
- Sergey Shcheglov
- Roman Shchetinskiy
- Vladimir Shchukin
- Dmitry Shelukhin
- Iuliia Shelukhina
- Olga Shenderova
- Yakov Shneerson
- Vsevolod Shulyakovskiy
- Alexey Sidorov
- Maria Smirnova
- Nikolay Sosnovskiy
- Gerry Southwood
- Olga Stagurova
- Vladislav Strekopytov
- Andrey Sulin
- T
- Shahram Tafazoli
- Eugene Timko
- Roman Tolchinsky
- Irina Tretiakova
- Sergey Trushin
- Sergey Tsvetkov
- Evgeny Tulubensky
- Alexander Tyunyatkin
- U
- Andrey Ugarov
- V
- Henk Van Muijen
- Vladimir Vlasenko
- Mikhail Vorontsov
- Alexander Voroshilov
- W
- Lijun Wang
- Y
- Dmitry Yakovlev
- Alexander Yakubchuk
- Alexander Yakubchuk
- Ilya Yakushev
- Mikhail Yakushevich
- Boris Yatsenko
- Robin Young
- Z
- Alexander Zabolotsky
- Andrey Zakharov
- Yulia Zakharova
- Tatyana Zavyalova
- Peter Zaytsev
- Mikhail Zenochkin
- Larisa Zheltova
- Yan Zhigarlovskiy
- Vladimir Zhosan
- Zhiyan Zhou
Batradz Badtiev
Head of department of monitoring and prospective development of mining operations
METALLOINVEST Management Company
Yuri Burtsev
Jury Member, MineMovie Film Festival
Lecturer, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, Higher School of Economics
Ilia Emelianov
Head of Information Modelling and Development of Construction Tools
Gazpromneft Terminal
Denis Erofeev
Head of the Department for Regulation and Integration of Business Processes
Polyus Gold
Tamara Golovina
Head of the Department of Geological Exploration Technologies
Polymetal International
Oleg Kazanov
Deputy Director General for Geology
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Resources named After N.M. Fedorovsky Federal State Budgetary Institution FGBU “VIMS”
Evgeny Kiselev
Deputy Minister, Head of Rosnedra
Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Grigory Mashkovtsev
General Director
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Resources named After N.M. Fedorovsky Federal State Budgetary Institution FGBU “VIMS”
Alexander Rogozhin
First Deputy General Director
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Resources named after N.M. Fedorovsky (VIMS)
Dmitry Shelukhin
Jury Member, MineMovie Film Festival
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Olga Shenderova
Deputy Head of the Department of Geology of Metal and Minerals
Federal Agency for Subsoil Use – Rosnedra
Vladislav Strekopytov
Jury Member, MineMovie Film Festival
Editorial Director of the “Rare Earths” Journal
Mikhail Vorontsov
Asset Development Business Partner, Asset Development Project Manager, Digital Development Platform Development Unit
Gazpromneft-Alternative Fuel
Alexander Zabolotsky
Deputy General Director for Design, Research and Development
Highland Gold Mining
Peter Zaytsev
Head of Scientific and Technical Department
Hydrometallurgy Research and Development Centre