Vladimir Makarov
Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotechnologies, Siberian Federal University
Born on October 18, 1958 in the village. Vanavara, Tunguska-Chunsky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Higher education. In 1980 he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, the Mining Department, specializing in geological surveying, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, in 1985 - postgraduate study.
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work - 40 years.
He worked at the Krasnoyarsk Institute (University) of non-ferrous metals and gold:
1980-1985 - junior researcher, full-time postgraduate study;
1985-1995 - Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor;
1995-2007 - Head of the Department of Geology of Mineral Deposits and Exploration Methods;
06/18/2007 - 12/31/2008 - Director of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, Siberian Federal University;
From 1.01.2008 to the present time - Director of the Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology, Siberian Federal University.
State of the system of university training, topical issues
The problems of mining education in the Siberian region under the conditions of increased demand for mining engineers from mining enterprises are discussed. The issue of the role of mining and geological companies in the training of highly qualified personnel, their participation in the development and improvement of professional and educational standards is discussed.