Evgenii Ermolin
Geophysical service company «GM-Service» Ltd.
President of the service geophysical company «GM-Service» Ltd, PHD, graduated from St. Petersburg State Mining University in 2008. Author of over 50 scientific papers. The main direction of research: the application of electrical exploration methods (Magnetotellurics, time-domain, resistivity and induced polarization) in combination with magnetic prospecting, ground gravity prospecting and the results of litho-geochemical survey for solving various geological tasks; development of (audio)magnetotelluric soundings data processing and interpretation of magnetovariational method data; development of processing of magnetic survey data obtained using UAV.
New approach for mineral exploration by using geophysics
The presentation presents a new approach in mineral exploration. The method is proposed on the basis of a new experience in the application of the magnetotelluric method in the area of the Olympic Dam unique deposit in Australia. At the first stage, zones of high electrical conductivity in the middle earth's crust should be identified. After that, the channels that control ore provinces should be localized. At this stage, it is rational to use the magnetovariational and magnetotelluric methods. At the next stage, it is advisable to apply a set of geophysical methods aimed directly to find a deposit.