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Join the conversation. From anywhere in the world

Founded in 2015, MINEX Europe Forum has been focusing on technological, investment and market developments across Europe’s mining industry. The previous in-person MINEX Europe Forums have been held in Austria, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria.

From 3 June till 2 July 2020 MINEX Forum organised a series of online events focusing on European mining industry developments in current and post COVID-19 pandemic world. In the current environment of rapid changes it is even more vital than ever before to discuss these changes and openly communicate strategies of adjusting to the new business, economic and social realities with peers from the mining companies as well as global investors, regulators, technological companies, academic communities, media and other stakeholder groups.

If participated as a delegate, investor, speaker or exhibitor

Using existing login and password, please, login to your MINEX Europe Account, and then inside your profile menu, navigate to “Materials” section where you will find links for each of the events.

Feedback and Testimonials

“This is to thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate in the recent Minex Southern Europe Forum. I am so impressed with your web-based management of stringing all the sessions together, and of course the backup team behind all the organising”.

Hélène De Villiers-Piaget, CEO, Responsible Mining Foundation

“I just wanted to say many thanks for the opportunity to be part of this event, it was very well run, and beyond the opportunity to present I heard a lot of interesting and relevant content. I hope to join you for future events”.

Brett Grist, Exploration Manager, Cornwall Resources Limited

“Thank you for organising yesterday’s forum, which looks to have gone down well”.

William Harding, Principal Consultant (Hydrogeologist), SRK Consulting

“Overall, the Forum went very well from my perspective, with an excellent programme and no major technical issues on the day”.

Tim Buisseret, Country Director, Department for International Trade

“Thanks for the invitation and the possibility to actively participate in the Forum. I’m looking forward to future cooperation”.

Prof. Marko Komac, D.Sc. Geol., M.Sc. Env. Prot. & Geol., B.Sc. Geol.; EurGeol #1294 / President, European Federation of Geologists

“I just wanted to say congratulations on the completion of MINEX today! I enjoyed the conference and thank you for welcoming the CMA as participants”.

Kirsty Benham, Co-Founder, Critical Minerals Association

Forum News

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A World-Class Programme

Connect with the European mining industry without leaving your own home or office.

MINEX Forum brings together delegates from every corner of the globe to help share knowledge, gain insight, and shape the future of mining in Europe. We are moving our industry-leading conferences digital, bringing you unique and engaging content streams across three virtual stages.

Each Forum will be conducted via webinar software in five consecutive sessions. Our proprietary digital presentation platform allows broadcasting live to unlimited audiences around the world and communicating with speakers via message boards in real-time.

After each session, we will invite registered delegates to meet with presenting companies and virtual exhibitors in the digital meeting rooms. We also offer opportunities to contact speakers and exhibitors ahead of the event via forms listed in their profiles.

The forum delegates will be able to message each other and use our propriety platform to schedule meetings and organise private and ad-hoc group meetings at the algorithm generated digital meeting rooms. 


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Networking Opportunities

Networking in our virtual landscape has never been more exciting, easy, and inexpensive

Our networking technology has been more effective at lead generation than the best onsite apps at physical events. Not only will you get access to multiple sessions, but you will also be able to join our Virtual Meeting platform to connect and interact with other attendees, speakers, and virtual exhibitors. Features include your own personal profile, messenger, meeting agenda and your digital meeting room allowing you to arrange one to one meeting even with people on and offline.

More details

Networking platform is open 2 days prior to the events and 14 days afterwards.


Step 1 — Register as Delegate, Presenter, Exhibitor or Sponsor. Once your participation is confirmed you will be sent login details in order to gain access to the virtual meeting platform.

Step 2 — Review speaker profiles, send them questions via contact form or public chat during the live event. Receive reply via live Q&As session or personalised answer by email.

Step 3 — Review exhibitor profiles and their presentations at the virtual booths. Engage with exhibitors via contact form. Book meetings by completing meeting request form. Once confirmed, meet them at the designated digital meeting rooms.

Step 4 — Organise your meetings with other delegates 2 days prior to each session. Login in your personal profile. Review other participants using smart search filter. Send message to people you would like to meet. Once the meeting request has been accepted, you will be able to meet using private end-to-end secured digital meeting room via computer microphone and camera or telephone.

Step 5 — You have registered onsite but did not have time to organise your meetings in advance? Watch the video instructions about the Networking platform and liaise with our personal assistant via chat or video call onsite to get help with finding your way around and engaging with other participants.

Take part in #MyMine2020

We are inviting miners, geologists, engineers, operators, investors, social activists, and really anyone who is involved in day-to-day mining across Europe to share the stories of their mines by taking part in #MyMine2020 sharing platform hosted by MINEX Europe Mining and Exploration Forum.